A powerful live event for
busy-brained entrepreneurs, artists & passion-seekers...

to un-jam their schedules, hold their heart,
& (re)uncover their wildest dreams!

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April 26 - 28 2024 | 80% Off until April 15! $497 $197!
3 Healing Days of Personal Growth without the Fluff or Force

Approx 11am - 4:30pm ET each day \ Stretch & Meal Breaks throughout!
No Replays, this is a clear your  schedule & 
come and be present kinda event!


Tight on funds but SO wanna be there? Click here.

livin' the dream?

WTF Happened!?

 You had amazing things you wanted to do! A powerful vision! Even a step-by-step plan (#checklists!) and then...Boom!

Somehow you woke up as this muted version of yourself, giving all your time to everyone else, having barely enough energy to stay awake at night, and financially *parched* as you traverse the income desert...

 As you add another "to-do" to your never-ending list, your busy brain won't shut-up - echoing society's programming of: "you're not _____ enough" and "don't rock the boat, people will think you're selfish"...

And you can't help but ask yourself:


    The good news?

      It doesn’t have to be this way. Life is not something to "survive".
      You are not cursed, doomed or too far gone.

      Despite what we've never been taught:

      Yes, y
      ou can live your dream life, get your time & energy back, let go of the toxic people, places & things holding you back - so you can do whatever the hell you want (afterall, aren't we on earth to fully experience it?) 

      And NO, you don't need...
      🚫 to be an expert at (or even like) goal-setting
      hours and hours to dedicate to a 'wellness practice'
      🚫 to run a business (but you can!)
      🚫 to have it all 'figured out' (who does?)
      🚫 to do anything you don't want to (the name of the game is flexibility)

      But if you're willing to clear your calendar for this event - I will show you how you specifically can live life exactly on your terms(without feeling guilty about it) and make success a non-negotiable with a 3-month action-plan!

      This interactive, get-sh*t-done event will give you:

      • a step-by-step map to your wildest dreams (that actually makes sense for YOU) 
      • an intuitive framework to recover your time & energy (and let go of the should-do's and people-pleasing once and for all)
      • a clear AF vision for the life you want to live (without having to fit into other people's 'boxes')
      • the #1 mistake that people make when setting goals...(and how to avoid it!
      • the easy-to-follow personal growth plan that ACTUALLY makes you more money (in a way you can measure).
      • a powerful authentic method for getting family, friends and team members on board with your growth (it's easier than you think!)
      • time to play again (with family and friends) without the guilt or panic of “having so much to do”.

        + plus, walk away with a 3-month action plan (so you actually know what to do after the event!)

      If this sounds like exactly what you need right now, and you're willing to do whatever it takes to make success a non-negotiable, and live life on YOUR terms, grab your ticket below!

      00 Days
      00 Hours
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      00 Secs

      April 26 - 28 2024 | 80% Off until April 15! $497 $197!
      3 Healing Days of Personal Growth without the Fluff or Force
      Approx 11am - 4:30pm ET each day \ Stretch & Meal Breaks throughout!
      No Replays, this is a clear your  schedule & 
      come and be present kinda event!


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      Have a great day!


      Day 1: Get Unstuck!

      So many ideas, and no idea where to start? I will help you laser-focus your vision, using the very same CALM framework I use with the world’s largest companies and my 1:1 & group clients:

      • Uncover what you truly want in life (and learn how to eliminate all the “should-do’s” stealing your time/energy)

      • Learn the single most effective way to set your 2024 Goals (and where most go wrong).

      • Create your aligned life rhythm based on your energy level, work schedule, timezone, family life, personality and goals.

      This is a roll up your sleeves and get to work kind of day, integrating powerful brain-boosting strategy into your very own C.A.L.M. blueprint.

      Day 2: Get Unshakeable!

      Now that you’ve got a plan, we can get your heart on board…

      • Uncover your #1 piece of leverage that can get you unstuck once and for all.

      • Learn a proven strategy for emotional storm-proofing (so you’re ready for when things get tough).

      • Ask for exactly what you want in life - with my 4-part hack for empathetic communication with yourself & others!

      This is what self-care actually looks like! Walk away from day 2 feeling like a kid again!

      Day 3: Get Unstoppable!

      Our last day together is focused on putting your new strategies into action.

      • Turn your 2024 Goals into a 3-Month Action Plan!

      • Get clear on the 5-Step Goal to Task Method so you always know what to do and how to do it.

      • Discover the INTENSE FEELING OF CALM that you’ve been looking for (knowing that plans are in place).

      Go! Go! Go! You’ve Got This!

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      April 26 - 28 2024 | Grab $300 Off until April 25! $497 $197!
      3 Healing Days of Personal Growth without the Fluff or Force
      Approx 11am - 4:30pm ET each day \ Stretch & Meal Breaks throughout!
      No Replays, this is a clear your schedule &
      come and be present kinda event!


      Tight on funds but SO wanna be there? Click here.

      Most Personal Development Doesn't Work..


      I know, I know. You’ve tried “personal development”, “morning routines”, and “life coaching” only to discover that it didn’t work for you, was too complicated, or was full of fluff ( #moneygrab. )

      I get it and no wonder you are cautious!

      I’ve experienced these “revolutionary programs” and #gross.

      Personal Growth that actually WORKS has a very specific formula:

      It makes sense in your BRAIN 🧠 (ie. you get it!)

      It makes sense in your HEART 💗 (ie. you connect with it)

      It makes sense in your BODY 💪 (ie. it's actionable)

      If you don’t have all 3 (what I call holistic buy-in), then it ain’t gonna work!

      This is why so many programs don't work and are full of
      (“just think positive”) or FORCE (“yell YOU CAN!”)

      We’ve got a much better way…and we’ll give you everything
      we’ve learned in just 3 days…

      What you'll walk away with:

      ☑️  A simple and intuitive way to uncover your top 5 Goals of 2024...even if you're all over the place!

      ☑️  The 5-Step Goal > Task Method that will show you when & how to take action on your goals...even if you're "not good with goals". 

      ☑️  A daily, weekly, monthly and yearly digital planner...that actually works for ADHD'ers and busy-brains! 

      ☑️  The #1 mistake that people make when setting goals...and how to avoid it!

      ☑️  How to make sure you actually show up for yourself...even when you're being blamed/shamed 

      ☑️  The holiday/vacation game-plan...so breaking the rhythm doesnt mean breaking the progress!

      ☑️  How to use neuroscience & spirituality together to boost your outcomes in life...even if you're "not into woo or geeky stuff". 

      ☑️  How to get family, friends and team members on board with your growth (it's easier than you think!) 

      ☑️  The must-have apps, trackers & products for a busy brain
      (I will share my personal list)

      ☑️  How personal growth work ACTUALLY makes you more money (in a way you can measure).

      ☑️  Time to play again (with family and friends) without the guilt or panic of “having so much to do”.

      Meet Your Host

      Past Event Photos


      To get the most out of the experience, we highly recommend good internet access, a webcam, pen & paper, a comfortable seat, aspace where you can close off noise, distractions, and light to be able to fully immerse in the event * Consider adding a larger screen (ie. TV) or speakers for a more immersive experience

      Calm the Chaos Live runs Fri-Sun April 26-28, from approx. 11am - 4:30pm ET

      Because this is a LIVE VIRTUAL event & conference, it is highly recommended that you clear your schedule for the 3 days. The content will be hands-on, steeped in coaching, breakout sessions, and interactive exercises. Because of this, there will NOT be any replays. It's an immersive experience. Doing it LIVE, serves our busy-brain clients better because you are more likely to actually consume everything we’re teaching… versus planning on watching it later… (but in reality never getting around to it #youknowwe'reright). And we know that if you actually CONSUME and implement what’s being shared, then your chances of being successful are far greater! So, having no replays is our way of making sure you show up, so we can change your life. So, take work off, block out the day, and come prepared for an immersive experience that can change your life forever.

      We get it! And we feel for ya! However, we have so many clients who join our programs and events from Australia, the UK, all over Europe and beyond. We've been told that they will gradually time-shift so they can get their body used to attending the event late/overnight.

      We get it! We were skeptical at first too!

      But talk to any of our previous attendees and they will tell you that these events are so immersive, engaging, and life changing that you will forget they are virtual! Plus! The beauty with virtual (and why we love them) is that Tony gets to see you in close-up, and you get to see him in closeup! Tony will be in a virtual MainStage studio with huge screens, lights and mics, - you will feel like you're at a Taylor Swift Concert!

      We believe in accessibility and we understand that we're in challenging times, which is why we are discounting our tickets at $400 off! That said, if you'd like to split your payment in 2 - and pay $47 now and $47 on the 25th -we've got you! pls click the button below:

      If you know you're meant to live a freer, more true-to-you life, then why wait another month/year/decade?

      You’ve got this, but you don’t have to do it alone.

      Join us for this immersive, interactive event that is designed to help you stand in your truth and make success a given!

      $497 Until April 25


      Grab $300 off until April 25th! | Hurry! Tickets are Going Fast! 
      April 26 - 28, 2024! | Approx 11am - 4pm ET each day. 
      *meal breaks & stretch breaks will be given. 
      *attend like a retreat/conference | no need to pay for hotels, flights, or expenses!

                      Tight on funds but SO wanna be there? Or know someone who is? Click here.

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